Nerd Blog, Games and Reviews, Hand Painted Miniatures and Game Terrain
More Ideas and an attempt at a DIY Scroll Table.
Making terrain with hot wire foam cutting tools is turning out to be a lot of experimentation. Sculpting natural rock shapes is much easier to do in a realistic way than trying to make miniature structures.
Scroll Table Idea. Click to Enlarge.Scroll Table Idea. Click to Enlarge.
The DIY scroll table made with the hot wire knife did not work so well. If I can rig up a way to keep the router tool tight I can possibly have better results using that since the wire is supported on both ends with that tool.
A block marked off to become two rows of crenelations. Click to Enlarge.Crenelations, at 25 mm scale. Click to Enlarge.Corner piece marked to become a right angle of crenelations. Click to Enlarge.Corner piece marked to become a right angle of crenelations. Click to Enlarge.The corner crenelations cut freehand. Click to Enlarge.The corner crenelations cut freehand. Click to Enlarge.The corner crenelations cut freehand. Click to Enlarge.The corner crenelations cut freehand. Click to Enlarge.
This is interesting playing around with no definite plan yet. It’s very freeing to design in this way.
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