Turret WIP

Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.

Master Model Maker

(I am not)

But here’s another scratch built model Work In Progress anyway. I’m way outside of my normal genre here but still well within my comfort zone. I decided to try my hand at making a turret out of some common pieces that I often acquire (meaning I will be able to keep developing the concept and reproduce them in the future if I want to). Chief among these pieces; the flip top caps from coffee creamer bottles and juice bottle caps. These form the base and main body of the turret. I’ve also used some plastic chalice-like cups, toothpicks, cardboard, bamboo forks, and other bits. Also, the barrel of the cannon is one of my first sculpts, It’s made from Milliput and is formed over a bamboo skewer. (It sucks! I know. I’m learning here!)

Bits, and an idea. Click to Enlarge.
Bits, and an idea. Click to Enlarge.
Milliput sculpted cannon barrel. Click to Enlarge.
Milliput sculpted cannon barrel. Click to Enlarge.
Gatling Gun, 7 toothpicks and some Superglue. Click to Enlarge.
Gatling Gun, 7 toothpicks and some Superglue. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP with basic shape concept formed. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP with basic shape concept formed. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP. Click to Enlarge.

Now that the basic model is made, I will paint it, maybe add some more bits here and there for detail, and it then base it on something. I want to make sure it can swivel around 360 degrees on its base to simulate more realistic game play.

This is the first time I’ve really dipped my toes into waters that are clearly outside of the fantasy RPG terrain genre and more into the Warhammer 40,000 style of models and terrain. I really like the possibilities here and I’m sure I’ll be making a lot more of this type of military miniature gun emplacement piece. I get a sweet post-apocalyptic vibe from it.

Turret WIP, swivel. Click to Enlarge.
Turret WIP, swivel. Click to Enlarge.