JST3P.com / Nerdtastic is back!
Ok, well we never really went anywhere… It has been quite a time, and I have been willingly slacking off and working with a decidedly no-pressure attitude. In other words; I’ve been terribly lazy for about a month and I have no regrets! Well… except one small huge exception; my website, the one you’re reading right now, was critically injured during a recent re-configuring of domains and juggling of directories. It seems we’ve lost a LOT of media. Nothing to do with my self-imposed exile from the web for a couple of weeks but still a real PITA. I am considering options here… maybe launching a whole new thing and reposting all of the content again… maybe leaving it as it is and moving on. I’ll have to delete all the old posts, reviews and pages with broken media links if I do that, however, so I’m still considering my options.
Anyway, here’s tonight’s efforts on the painting front. Between my little New Years vacation and the effects of XM on my creative process due to heavy exposure to it within the Ingress “game”, I have been all over the map creatively (and literally!)
Here’s some work on my next miniature; he’s another mounted figure, this time an evil druidic character, based on the greenery and skulls on him. I have attached the spear on him with super glue twice and Milliput twice and it does not last no matter what. I’m considering cutting off the bottom of his staff and going some other direction all together.

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