Nerd Blog, Games and Reviews, Hand Painted Miniatures and Game Terrain
Hand Painted Miniature; Mounted Druid, Complete.
Finished off the mounted druid finally! Not sure what I’ll do with the pieces that mount his extended hooves, either paint them or flock them. With this done, I have 2 mounted archers to complete and the mounted figs will be behind me for the moment. With the back log I have built up, I am eager to get more painted and shared.
Google “Auto Awesome” animation of Mounted Druid Completed. Click to Enlarge.Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete. Click to Enlarge.
Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete. Click to Enlarge.Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete. Click to Enlarge.Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete. Click to Enlarge.Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete. Click to Enlarge.
Below are couple of photographs of the miniature after gloss coating. Again, not sure what I want to do with the base but I’m really glad to have another mounted mini to add to my collection, and another spell caster to boot!
Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete and with gloss coat. Click to Enlarge.Mounted Druid hand painted miniature, complete and with gloss coat. Click to Enlarge.
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