It’s been a few months since I’ve posted, mostly because my creative pursuits have been spent in different areas than this blog was intended to explore. This has led me to question whether to open up this platform to my other art and design work, or create another platform for other genres, or whether to simply put all of my other content onto third party platforms like tumblr or Deviant Art… The possibilities and combinations are endless, so… what do I do?

I wanted to share a picture of the cottage I recently made while it was still a work in progress, but it turned into a photo of one of our cats. She says hello.
Well, I already post a lot of my art (specifically the non-fantasy RPG and Wargame related stuff) on my Instagram. This also goes to twitter, and I have ARG (Ingress) and other stuff on my YouTube and even way back in the early years on before I had my own domain.

So it seems that this particular channel is the only one that is focused specifically on the Fantasy RPG and Wargames niches, Dungeons & Dragons, etc. I think the time has come to bring my other pursuits onto this website and blog so that it can remain as active and vibrant as the other channels that I continuously maintain presence at, not least of which is the Nerdtastic Facebook Page.
We won’t be radically altering this website and blog, at least not right away, but you will start seeing more content and art that I create in other spaces besides gaming and fantasy art.

Coming Soon:
The Lands of Eastern Terrule
I’ve been working on my homebrew campaign setting, The Lands of Eastern Terrule, on and off since about 1995. That’s 21 years now. I cannot believe I have consistently expanded upon one campaign world and managed to hold onto it in the lulls between work on it. I had not published any of it online yet, because I didn’t know where I wanted to go with it. With the vague notion that I might want it published in physical form at some point, I thought it might be advantageous if none of it had been previously published anywhere. I’ve given up on that idea, and I’m still not sure how I want to introduce the outside world to this universe, but The Lands of Eastern Terrule Google site has been up for a couple of years.

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