I’m calling this complete, though it probably needs more smaller flocking to sort of tie in the moss bushes. I am highly pleased with my first attempt at sculpting a natural rock terrain piece. (“Natural” should be in quotes, considering the supernatural feel I hope that it carries.) The moss is preserved reindeer moss from Super Moss Products.
Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.
Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.Completion of my first terrain piece with highlighting and flocking. Click to Enlarge.
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