Nerdhack: Nail Polish Rack for Miniature Paints

Nerdhack! Cheaper solution for paint storage!

Angiebanana decided I should open a Christmas gift early because I “could really use it”. I opened up a white box to find an acrylic shelf set. (Ready to assemble.) She had the genius idea to get me a nail polish display rack for my paint pots! It’s such an ingenious idea I knew I had to share it here.

Acrylic Nail Polish Rack. Click to Enlarge.
Acrylic Nail Polish Rack. Click to Enlarge.

The size of paint pots is perfect for these racks. Meant for displaying nail polish in retail stores, they are much cheaper than the Citadel Project Box and other solutions for hobby artists. It also holds many more bottles of paint for (for a similar footprint) than MM Empty Paint Storage System from Testors. Less than $20 on Amazon.

In other news, moving is done and we are basically all settled into the new digs. The studio is not done but mostly there, at least enough to get back to painting miniatures and making game terrain!

I’ve sorted most of my miniatures that are not fully completed and based into groups to get back to work on. It really helps to organize them, where I had them into various states of completion in various places before. Now I can see where I need to focus my work to keep things moving.

The collection of unfinished miniatures. Click to Enlarge.
The collection of unfinished miniatures. Click to Enlarge.

I’ve got a bunch primed and unpainted, a bunch painted and mounted on unfinished bases, and a bunch of painted minis unmounted on plastic bases as they are not slotty based miniatures and can stand on their own. I am still planning on mounting these to plastic bases to finish off so they are all complete. I’m not sure how people feel about their old school Ral Partha and Grenadier miniatures being painted and mounted on plastic bases. At the risk of offending the purists, I just love the uniform, grid-friendly bases and the extra space to detail with flocking and grass, rocks, sticks, etc. I hope it’s not some kind of crime to paint 40 year old miniatures and mount them to plastic bases!