My buddy Wayne Brekke started another podcast a couple of weeks ago, this one dedicated to D&D 5th Edition. (Other FRPG topics come up, but that’s the basis. It’s even called The DnD5e Podcast. It’s one of at least 4 podcasts he does!) Wayne had me on as a guest panelist for episode 3, which was about game terrain, and more importantly in support of Gareth Barrett, AKA theDMGinfo on YouTube. The DMGinfo YouTube channel recently suffered a “glitch” which inadvertently unsubscribed all 6942 (I think) people without any way to recover, or “undo”. Having spent 2 years building the channel, this was obviously a setback for him. Using the hashtag #HelpTheDMGinfo on Social Media, Gareth is on the way to rebuilding his channel (back up to 1867 subscribers as of this post) so please go subscribe to his channel if you were previously subscribed or if you just need a good source of tutorials and ideas for crafting game terrain. I have learned things from him that you can see the fruits of right here on this website.
Below are some pictures taken of just a few examples of the terrain that Wayne and Josh from the DnD5e Podcast have each made as well as some of my own pieces. We discussed terrain crafting in general, as well as these specific pieces a bit, during the podcast.
The DnD5e Podcast studio desk is taken over by game terrain and miniatures! Click to Enlarge.
The discussion on crafting terrain covered a few topics, including materials and techniques. The interview with Gareth was interesting and, for someone who has aspirations for his budding YouTube channel, a little daunting. The thought that one click can undo 2 years worth of work (which I can easily empathize with; Nerdtastic now has over 11,000 hard-earned fans) is absolutely terrifying to an online content creator.
Dungeon tiles and ruins. Click to Enlarge.My LED Tower amidst the terrain, and Wayne in the background. Click to Enlarge.
Showing off my creations to an appreciative audience is always fulfilling. I am grateful to my friend Wayne for the opportunity to participate on his show, and I look forward to listening to a lot more! It’s great to see the birth of another new source of good information on the Fantasy RPG and Wargame hobbies, as well and crafting, miniatures, and even specifically D&D 5th Edition. I will definitely be listening to more DnD5e Podcast… and who knows, I might even have to look at switching from Pathfinder to D&D 5th Ed.
(Insert Edition Wars Here)
Here are a couple more pictures from the overtaken Podcast desk…
The Podcast Desk is PWNED by terrain and creatures! Click to Enlarge.Wayne’s swirling pool is a neat piece, I was inspired! Click to Enlarge.
My First Podcast Appearance…
You can check out that interview with Gareth Barrett as well the panel discussion with Wayne, Josh, and me: listen to DnD5e Podcast Episode #3 here. Again, thanks Wayne! It was great to be on the show!
Below are pictures of my latest hand painted miniature, another mounted piece, this one with sword and dagger and a foppish hat.
Mounted Swordsman Hand Painted Miniature
I also finished this mounted miniature piece. Rescuing used Warhammer Fantasy miniatures from my FLGS and rehabilitating them seems to be a habit now. I should open a Home for Wayward Miniatures.
Close up, tried to get his face. Click to Enlarge.Close up, tried to get his face. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Miniature Mounted Swordsman, with hand for scale. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Mounted Miniature. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Mounted Miniature. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Mounted Miniature. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Mounted Miniature. Click to Enlarge.Hand Painted Mounted Miniature. Click to Enlarge.
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